Wikidot Design & Development


So tell me, what's this all about?

Here at BMC WebDesign, we love wikidot. We also love the style and class of CSS3. So we've decided to bring the two together, in this here blog. We plan on bringing you tutorials and how to's on adding simple, practical and stylish content to your wikidot site, using the advanced features of CSS3. Some you'll be able to add directly into your pages, others will be aimed at those creating custom themes. And to top it all off, we're going to offer you some of our Wikidot Themes, lovingly created, and home-made, to give your wikidot site a fresh new makeover that you'll never regret. This site is brand spanking new, so bear with us as we sort out any teething problems, but most of all, we hope you enjoy the ride.

CSS3, what's that?

If you're reading this wondering what on earth CSS3 is, don't close your browser just yet. Let us enlighten you…

Site design © BMC WebDesign, 2011. All rights reserved. All tutorials on this site are free for commerical use, subject to conditions outlined in the disclaimer.